Saturday, April 25, 2009


Who cares for climate change?

Tons of leaves are burnt in Delhi every day.

Leaves are high valued waste which can easily be converted into manure, yet it is not done. Today there are modified worms to make compost quickly, yet it is not done.

Scavengers on streets and gardeners in parks make a heap of leaves and burn it like a pyre.
Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) employees give an excuse that it is cumbersome to transport leaves to composting sites. But even in parks this bad practice goes on where composting pits can be made easily.

Delhi’s most parks come under MCD which has over fourteen thousand parks under its maintenance. Big parks are maintained by
Delhi Development Authority (DDA). This central government body has no dearth of resources and access to technology, yet in DDA parks too, leaves are burnt.

Morning walkers see this every day, a few do object, yet the practice goes on. Surprisingly there are people in the city who support burning leaves. One such an elderly and educated gentleman Goswami tells this in so many words. When asked if it is good practice to burn leaves to get rid of them, he said ….(To listen click below:

1 comment:

  1. This is highly surprising that people think like this. An awareness campaign is required in this regard.
